Once downloaded from our site, the Zip file containing your purchased MP3 files is usually placed in your Download folder.
Double click on it to extract the files.
The unpacked files will be in a folder named "Classical-Archives-Downloads" (in the same folder where the Zip file is located)
In that folder, you will find another folder(s) for each order you placed. These folder(s) will contain a list of MP3 files.
The MP3 files are named by their UPC number.
If you wish to rename all these files, in bulk, to something more meaningful that you can recognize, we recommend using Foobar2000 which is freely available for Windows, Mac and Linux.
Instructions on how to use Foobar2000 to rename files in bulk, based on their internal ID3 tags
Open Foobar2000
Drag and drop the files from the download folder (or the folder in which you unzipped the collection) unto Foobar2000
Highlight all the files you want to rename in the file list
Right-click the highlighted files
Click "File Operations"
Click "Rename To..."
Click "..." to the right of the "File name pattern" field
In the File name column, select, for example, "title"
Click the "Run" button at the bottom of the File Operations window, and then the "Close" button
This will rename all the selected files in your folder to what you selected in step 8, based on the files' internal ID3 tags.
Welcome to the New Classical Archives
New CA
Classic CA
Your subscription applies
Scrupulously maintained
Responsive to screen size
Modern design
In-window player
Player in separate window
MIDI files
You may switch from one display to the other at any time: your logical position is preserved.
Player Functions
Queue Limit
The player queue is full
The queue count must be < 20 to add tracks. When the queue is less than 20, you can add (with one click) any track, an entire performance, even a complete multi-CD album, or add the start of a continuous radio stream to the player.