37--Roger asks a question 70.99 KB

38--Antonia and Christopher Hitchens 96.92 KB

39--Exit tunnel at far end of Far Experiment Hall 42.95 KB

40--Another You Are Here map 77.71 KB

41--Towards the exit and incoherent light 66.25 KB

42--We enter SLAC's Collider Experimental Hall 120.51 KB

43--Collider Experimental Hall where undulators are assembled 100.75 KB

44--Undulator table waiting for its magnets 91.81 KB

45--Closeup of the X-ray conduit 72.21 KB

46--Undulator magnets being readied 101.42 KB

47--Paul Golan and Pierre 79.97 KB

48--Pierre and Roger Blandford 88.41 KB

49--Pierre and Christopher Hitchens 114.62 KB

51--CG aerial view of LCLS at SLAC 76.94 KB