Kavli Building and Schwob Center Dedication, March 17, 2006 - Page 3 of 3
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) Campus
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PRS Trips
Roger Blandford and Sarah Church
presentation to Pierre Schwob (6)
31.62 Kb
Roger Blandford and Sarah Church
presentation to Pierre Schwob (7)
35.19 Kb
Sarah telling me how I can take apart this
Plank satellite bolometer test pixel
38.59 Kb
Sarah telling me how I can take apart this
Plank satellite bolometer test pixel (2)
33.35 Kb
Peter Michelson and Roger Blandford
presentation to Pehong and Adele Chen
32.90 Kb
Peter Michelson and Roger Blandford
presentation to Pehong and Adele Chen (2)
41.70 Kb
Steve Schutz, Kirk Gilmore, Steve Kahn
and I discussing LSST
43.21 Kb
Sid Drell (now having problems with
his other rotator cuff)
34.72 Kb
Phil Marshall, happy with the new building
37.38 Kb
Tom Abel, happy with the new building
31.48 Kb
David Auston, happy with the new building
37.17 Kb
Fred Kavli, very happy with his new building
35.33 Kb
Dan DeYoung, carrying the dedication pamphlet
68.46 Kb
Download the pamphlet (PDF)
Our group with Steve Kahn
51.91 Kb
Our group given a private tour of SLAC
by Jonathan Dorfan
54.07 Kb
It's like the Pope giving you
a private tour of the Vatican
54.69 Kb
Neil Calder is also with us
53.54 Kb
In the linear accelerator's klystron gallery
51.64 Kb
The longest building in the world (3km)
54.21 Kb
Looking over SLAC's end stations
84.06 Kb
Looking over SLAC's end stations (2)
76.97 Kb
Looking over SLAC's end stations (3)
64.10 Kb
Looking over SLAC's end stations (4)
77.24 Kb
In the BaBar control room
49.54 Kb
In the BaBar control room (2)
55.93 Kb
In the BaBar control room (3)
57.21 Kb
A section of the accelerator and the Plank satellite bolometer test pixel
57.96 Kb
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