June 10 - Last dinner before the launch! 108.76 KB

June 11 - launch date (we hope) - we gather at Cherie Down beach, Cape Canaveral 102.08 KB

Peter is in constant phone contact with KSC 116.45 KB

12:05 EDT - 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, LAUNCH! 34.08 KB

The exhausts hide the Delta II Heavy 31.49 KB

Go GLAST GO! 35.46 KB

Spectacular - but the noise hasn't yet reached us! 29.18 KB

Now the noise begins to get to us 26.80 KB

What a sight! The noise - the rattling of our bones - is extraordinary! 20.97 KB

The Delta II Heavy accelerates very swiftly 12.57 KB

A perfect ascent to the desired 350 mile orbit altitude 40.35 KB

The air-boosters fire up 33.19 KB

Peter is elated after 16 years of work: Bon Voyage GLAST! he exclaims 48.47 KB

Steven shakes Peter's hand, and... 44.67 KB

giving in to emotion, Steven embraces Peter and Christine 48.41 KB

I give Peter an emotional hug 75.48 KB

Nolan congratulates Peter 68.95 KB

Starting here, one frame from each group of 10 frames of the movie of the launch I took 25.57 KB

Frame 10 25.72 KB

Frame 20 25.89 KB

Frame 30 26.21 KB

Frame 40 25.73 KB

Frame 50 26.93 KB

Frame 60 27.36 KB

Frame 70 27.92 KB

Frame 80 27.11 KB

Frame 90 26.80 KB

Frame 100 26.97 KB

Frame 110 26.54 KB

Frame 120 11.06 KB

Frame 130 13.81 KB

Frame 140 14.62 KB

Frame 150 13.85 KB

Frame 160 13.09 KB

Frame 170 13.06 KB

Frame 180 7532 bytes