Launch of the Delta II Heavy - KSC 6/11/08 12:05 EDT 82.17 KB

June 3 - First evening dinner at the Mango Tree 107.56 KB

June 4 - the waiting starts - Peter Michelson (GLAST P.I.) after registration at the KSC 82.18 KB

Peter and Pierre at the KSC 79.97 KB

The Large Asssembly Building at KSC 58.71 KB

Shuttle launch platform 90.71 KB

Saturn V exhibit 138.06 KB

Apollo Lunar Excursion Module (LEM) 145.29 KB

Space Shuttle exhibit and launch simulator 85.66 KB

Second day's dinner 29.05 KB

June 5 - the waiting continues - we visit EPCOT 112.73 KB

Nolan Gasser and family join us 129.16 KB

Jovially surviving fast food at EPCOT 101.98 KB

Peter and his sister Christine on an EPCOT ride 96.86 KB

That evening, SLAC Director Persis Drell organized a great rocket launch beach party 109.83 KB

The four judges of the rocket launch competition 82.97 KB

Peter delivers the Special Mention Prize 82.27 KB

The contestants - all first prizes - and judges 73.96 KB

June 6 - Pre-launch breefing at the KSC 109.55 KB

The Colonel gives a rousing opening statement 33.25 KB

Steven Ritz - GLAST Project Scientist 34.78 KB

That evening the launch (to come) is celebrated at the General Dynamics/Stanford party 29.54 KB

Persis Drell talks of SLAC's development and building of the LAT 30.71 KB

Nolan Gasser gives a synopsis of his GLAST Prelude premiered that evening 29.41 KB
See & listen to the GLAST Prelude here!

Nolan signs GLAST Prelude DVDs for admirers 58.86 KB

Pierre, Nolan, Steven, Peter in front of the GLAST model at the party 65.79 KB

June 8 - more waiting - we check out the Florida manatees 70.29 KB

Manatee breaching 61.39 KB

June 9 - more waiting - we check out the Florida alligators and birds 87.60 KB

Rigi, Pierre, and Isabelle Grenier (SACLAY) on the noisy air boat 135.83 KB

Alligator peeking 74.96 KB

Juvenile alligator 156.83 KB

Another lovely dinner with the group 88.26 KB

The rocket is fuelling(!) and so are we 98.90 KB

June 10 - the launch is tomorrow! (we hope) 139.63 KB

DOE GLAST Program Manager Kathy Turner and daughter Amy 94.25 KB