Arrival at Punta Arenas: First view of the Strait of Magellan 53.18 Kb

Driving from the airport to Punta Arenas, Patagonia, Chile 50.47 Kb

View of Magellan Square from the hotel, Punta Arenas 140.62 Kb

Hotel Cabo de Hornos (Cape Horn) 120.47 Kb

Local youth dancing in the square 122.07 Kb

The six of us: Harry Otten, Peter Oberbeck, Walter Sullivan, Rick Fienberg, Chris Dixon, myself 76.53 Kb

Satue of Magellan 98.67 Kb

Running into ostriches on our way to the magellanic penguin rookery at Otway Sound 79.91 Kb

Magellanic penguins 1 140.33 Kb

Magellanic penguins 2 228.72 Kb

Magellanic penguins 3 181.27 Kb

Magellanic penguins 4 164.20 Kb

Magellanic penguins 1 [MOVIE] 11.44 Mb

Magellanic penguins 5 200.16 Kb

Magellanic penguins 2 [MOVIE] 4697.17 Kb

Magellanic penguins 6 169.40 Kb

Otway Sound info 122.61 Kb

Magellanic penguins 7 142.41 Kb

Magellanic penguins 8 139.05 Kb

Pre-Antarctic departure briefing at ALE 71.60 Kb

Our ride: the Ilyushin-76 57.36 Kb

The front of the IL-76 from which I'll take a few pictures 42.53 Kb

Note the wheels... and we'll land on pure ice!? 45.74 Kb

The belly 95.24 Kb

Might look old and funky but it and its Russian crew got us there and back! 107.90 Kb

Towards the nose 113.69 Kb

The plane's head - the last "civilized" toilet for 10 days. (You don't want to know.) 49.75 Kb

Our group of intrepid six 86.64 Kb

After two hours - first glance at Antarctica 63.19 Kb

Flying over the ice shelf past the Drake Passage, towards Patriot Hills 52.26 Kb

Arrival! First view of our destination 50.99 Kb

First moments at Patriot Hills, Antarctica (See the itinerary's map on the next page) 90.65 Kb

Time for a quick shot of our world for the next ten days 65.35 Kb

First of many welcome meals in the mess tent 103.36 Kb

Darin, one of the two great chefs at Patriot Hills 122.49 Kb

Patriot Hills mess and social center tent 103.77 Kb