Bach Meets Occupy Wall Street: October 17, 2011
The music of J.S. Bach once again serves to edify the course of human events, as acclaimed cellist Matt Haimovitz – known for his unconventional musical undertakings – performs the “Prelude” from Bach’s Cello Suite No.1 in G, BWV 1007 at Ziccotti Park in New York City during a recent gathering of Occupy Wall Street supporters. This is not the first time Mr. Haimovitz has performed Bach’s masterful cello suites in an unusual public setting – as he’s done so at restaurants, night clubs, and other non-traditional venues throughout the US. Admittedly, the quality of the video is less than ideal, but the sound and sight of Bach’s famed “Prelude” amongst the gathered protesters, signs, and blankets is a provocative testimony to our freedom of expression. Tell us what you think!
Cellist Matt Haimovitz performs Bach at Occupy Wall Street gathering