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Johann Crüger

(1598/04/09-1662/02/23) DEU

Period: Baroque

Performances: 23

Tracks: 23

Albums: 16

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Album Cover
Album: Jesu bleibet meine Freude
Label: hänssler CLASSIC
Rel: 2024-04-26
$10.89 (11 trk)
Album Cover
Album: Handel: St. John Passion and Ach Herr, mich armen Sünder
Perf: Roland Wilson, Capella Ducale
Label: CPO
Rel: 2018-06-15
$11.99 (51 trk)
Album Cover
Album: Christmas Brass Festival
Label: hänssler CLASSIC
Rel: 2013-09-24
$17.99 (52 trk)
Album Cover
Album: O Praise the Lord of Heaven
Perf: Cambridge Singers
Label: Collegium
Rel: 2013-09-03
$11.99 (16 trk)
Album Cover
Album: Hymns on the Crystal Cathedral Organ
Perf: Frederick Swann
Label: Gothic
Rel: 2011-08-02
$11.99 (20 trk)
Album Cover
Album: The Vanishing Nordic Chorale
Perf: Musik Ekklesia
Label: Sono Luminus
Rel: 2011-03-01
$11.99 (20 trk)
Album Cover
Album: Unto Us a Child is Born: Weihnachtliche Chormusik
Perf: Nicol Matt
Label: Ars Produktion
Rel: 2011-01-04
$11.99 (25 trk)
Album Cover
Album: Angel Voices: The Boys' Choir Christmas Celebration: Works by Mendelssohn, Pachelbel, Handel, etc.
Label: CapriccioNR
Rel: 2010-12-01
$24.99 (45 trk)

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